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Quick Start

This quickstart installation guide will walk you through the steps required to deploy a local, non-production instance of IronERP for testing, evaluation and development.


This deployment method is not suitable for production!

For production deployments, please see the Docker, Docker Compose and Kubernetes sections.

Run instantly with Docker

IronERP comes with an evaluation Docker image that already contains everything that's needed to run it. You can simply docker run this image and have a working IronERP instance in seconds.

This method is only suitable for initial evaluation.

docker run \
--name ironerp \
-p 3000:3000 \

After the container starts, you can access your IronERP instance at http://localhost:3000.

Run Manually

While this process is more involved, it gives you more flexibility. This way of running IronERP is recommended for local development.


Getting the Code

Either fork the IronERP repo and clone your fork, or clone the IronERP repo directly.

git clone

Running the Backend

  1. Switch into the backend directory: cd IronERP.Web
  2. Restore NuGet deps: nuget restore
  3. Edit appsettings.Local.json with your MongoDB and Meilisearch connection details
  4. Run the backend with ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development dotnet run

The IronERP API should now be available at http://localhost:5057.

You can verify that the Backend is running with cURL:

> curl http://localhost:5057
IronERP Backend v1.0.0

Running the Frontend

  1. Switch into the Frontend directory: cd Frontend/ironerp-frontend
  2. Install yarn dependencies: yarn
  3. Run the development server: yarn dev

The frontend should now be running at http://localhost:3000.